School Time

I think school should start at 10:25 a.m. everyday. The time would be just right for students and teachers. It would be great for everyone!

A reason school should start later is students can get rest. Most students get 7-8 hours a sleep per night. Kids mostly have loads of homework, they never got done during homework period. And then most kids have sports they attend after school. So, by the time they go to sleep its 11:00 p.m. One other pro for having school start later is: student test scores would probably go up too. That would make our school wonderful.

My second reason is, teachers would also get to arrive to school later. That means teachers would also get time to sleep in. My guess is that most teachers don’t get enough rest. So when they go to school without much rest, their grumpy :(. But if they rest, teachers would be in a fantastic mode.

Therefore school should begin later. Students and teachers would be happy. Everybody would be rested for school. And the situation for a later start time is a win-win for everyone!

3 thoughts on “School Time

  1. I totally agree. This is a perfect example of my life, like tonight I got home from sports and I am just now starting my homework. I also think that school should start later.

  2. I really enjoyed your blog because it is so relatable! I would love if school began at 10:25 a.m. I am the type of person that goes to bed late, but doesn’t want to get up at 7:00 in the morning. It is exhausting! I first seen the title of your blog and was intrigued.

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    • Hi Lacey,
      I went to the URL code, you left on your message and I couldn’t find your blog through it. I hope we can still stay in contact.


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