Archive | April 2014

Challenge week six


You’ve been up on that diving board

Making sure that it’s nice and straight.

You’ve made sure that it’s not too slick.

You’ve made sure it can stand the weight.

You’ve made sure that the spring is tight.

You’ve made sure that the cloth won’t slip.

You’ve made sure that it bounces right,

And that your toes can get a grip—

And you’ve been up there since half past five

Doin’ everything . . . but DIVE.

~Shel Silverstein

This is my favorite poem of all time. The poem describes exactly how I feel when I’m about jump off a diving board. The first time I head this poem I couldn’t stop reading it to myself. I even printed a copy of it and hung it up in my room. It describes the feeling of being up on a high diving board perfectly.

Challenge Week Four and Five: Media and a Memory


Photo credit:

When I was little, I just couldn’t be without my American Girl Doll named: Caroline. She was my diamond that I couldn’t be without. I took her everywhere I went. When I went to gymnastics, she came too; she even went over to my friend’s houses for play dates.

Caroline had a light pink dress. Her hair was blonde and her hair was naturally curly. She was beautiful. She always made me stop crying when I had a bad day at school. I would laugh with her day and night. She would even sleep right by my side.

While I had her, I always had a smile on my face no matter what. When I started fourth grade, I decided to give her away to my three year old girl neighbor. I give my doll to my neighbor because I wanted her to experience what I experienced when I was small. That’s why I have a scrapbook in my room, of the memories I had with Caroline.