This past Friday night I went Ice skating for the first time, since 2 years ago. My plans were different before through. I was suppose to go to Dallas for a swim meet, but they cancelled it last minute because of pretty bad whether conditions. I personally was glad it was cancelled, because then I was able to ice skate with my friend.
I went on my bus, sat down and got on my phone. Sense I have my phone on silent in my locker the whole day, I never see text or hear them. But, Once I pressed the home button, there was a message waiting for me. It was from my friend saying, Your going ice skating with me!!! My body went from sluggish movement to excitement movement, as I walked to my house, from the bus stop. Then, she came to picked me up.
Once we got to the ice rink there was really nobody there. I liked it to, it’s like it was all to ourselves. Then, our mouths became frozen sen e it was freezing outside. So, we got some hot chocolate and sat by the bonfire, set up. It was the best feeling ever. After we finished our hot chocolate, more people started showing up. By the time we got back on the ice, there was about 23 people on too. But, the session was almost over anyways. But, the most important part is that I had the best time of my life with my friend.
Tag Archive | Friday
Last night I went on the Late night bus tour for Wyldlife. I had the best time of my life. I got to meet new people, laugh like crazy, and be with one of my friends from school plus a bunch of 6th graders.
First, we waited for all the buses to come, for like an hour. We then took a 30 minute drive to a roller skating center.
I hadn’t been to a skate center in like 2 years. So, when I first stepped on the slippery surface, with my roller skates, my heart skipped a beat. I was filled with fear. As I slowly moved around, through the floor, I started to get better and better. Then, I was able to really skate. Thankfully I never fell on the ground.
After a WHOLE two hours of roller skating, we headed toward Main Event, which is an arcade game place.
Once we got off the bus, we ran strait toward the games, but there was also bowling, laser tag, and glow in the dark mini golf. We had ten dollars to spend on games. I played about 16 games. One game was my all time favorite game, it was a game were you shout basketballs into a basket, and you have 30 seconds on the clock. I made 40 balls in the basket! Once we were tired of playing games, we decided to play bowling.
As the night grew darker, we had to head back to the buses. This meant we where going back home.
This event was probably my favorite event I have ever done, in Texas!